Donation Tracker โ€“ Plan Your Next Life-Saving Gift
Donation Tracker



Blood Group: Not Provided

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Donation Eligibility Report

Name: | Gender: | Blood Group: Not Provided

Last Donation Date: 2025/03/14

Next Eligible Donation Dates (YYYY/MM/DD)

After Donation Type Whole Blood Platelet Plasma RBC WBC Granulocyte Autologous Directed Blood Double RBC Cryoprecipitate Stem Cell Therapeutic Leukoreduced RBC
Whole Blood 2025/06/06 2025/04/11 2025/04/11 2025/07/04 2025/09/10 2025/09/10 2025/04/11 2025/06/06 2025/07/04 2025/04/11 2026/03/14 2025/04/11 2025/07/04
Platelet 2025/04/11 2025/03/21 2025/03/21 2025/04/11 2025/09/10 2025/09/10 2025/04/11 2025/04/11 2025/04/11 2025/03/21 2025/09/10 2025/04/11 2025/04/11
Plasma 2025/04/11 2025/03/21 2025/04/11 2025/04/11 2025/09/10 2025/09/10 2025/04/11 2025/04/11 2025/04/11 2025/04/11 2025/09/10 2025/04/11 2025/04/11
RBC 2025/07/04 2025/04/11 2025/04/11 2025/07/04 2025/09/10 2025/09/10 2025/04/11 2025/07/04 2025/07/04 2025/04/11 2026/03/14 2025/04/11 2025/07/04
WBC 2025/09/10 2025/09/10 2025/09/10 2025/09/10 2026/03/14 2026/03/14 2025/09/10 2025/09/10 2025/09/10 2025/09/10 2026/03/14 2025/09/10 2025/09/10
Granulocyte 2025/09/10 2025/09/10 2025/09/10 2025/09/10 2026/03/14 NA* 2025/09/10 2025/09/10 2025/09/10 2025/09/10 2026/03/14 2025/09/10 2025/09/10
Autologous 2025/04/11 2025/04/11 2025/04/11 2025/04/11 2025/09/10 2025/09/10 2025/03/21 2025/04/11 2025/04/11 2025/04/11 2026/03/14 2025/04/11 2025/04/11
Directed Blood 2025/06/06 2025/04/11 2025/04/11 2025/07/04 2025/09/10 2025/09/10 2025/04/11 2025/06/06 2025/07/04 2025/04/11 2026/03/14 2025/04/11 2025/07/04
Double RBC 2025/07/04 2025/04/11 2025/04/11 2025/07/04 2025/09/10 2025/09/10 2025/04/11 2025/07/04 2025/07/04 2025/04/11 2026/03/14 2025/04/11 2025/07/04
Cryoprecipitate 2025/04/11 2025/03/21 2025/04/11 2025/04/11 2025/09/10 2025/09/10 2025/04/11 2025/04/11 2025/04/11 2025/04/11 2025/09/10 2025/04/11 2025/04/11
Stem Cell 2026/03/14 2025/09/10 2025/09/10 2026/03/14 2026/03/14 2026/03/14 2026/03/14 2026/03/14 2026/03/14 2025/09/10 NA* 2026/03/14 2026/03/14
Therapeutic 2025/04/11 2025/04/11 2025/04/11 2025/04/11 2025/09/10 2025/09/10 2025/04/11 2025/04/11 2025/04/11 2025/04/11 2026/03/14 2025/03/21 2025/04/11
Leukoreduced RBC 2025/07/04 2025/04/11 2025/04/11 2025/07/04 2025/09/10 2025/09/10 2025/04/11 2025/07/04 2025/07/04 2025/04/11 2026/03/14 2025/04/11 2025/07/04
*NA: Not allowed further donation for this type. Stem Cell and Granulocyte donations are typically permitted only once in a lifetime.


The donation eligibility dates provided by this tracker are estimates based on standard guidelines from Platelet Donors of India ( and may vary depending on individual health conditions, local regulations, or medical advice. Always consult a healthcare professional or blood donation center to confirm your eligibility before donating. is not responsible for any discrepancies or consequences arising from the use of this tool. This tracker is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice.

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